martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Mulder y Scully en 2016

The X-Files is returning to TV in January for a six episode mini-series. For some of us – those who happily embrace the fan term X-Phile – nothing could be more exciting. Mulder and Scully are arguably television’s most iconic duo, and the series is responsible for a few of the medium’s finest hours. That said, The X-Files is not something that you are taught in school and its appreciation is not mandated by the state, so it’s understandable if for some reason – be it traumatic childhood memories or being a jock – you missed the seminal series.

For those of you that fit that designation of X-Files uninitiated but are thinking of catching up before the show returns to its rightful place on Fox’s Sunday night lineup I have a message: DON’T WATCH THE WHOLE SERIES.

TV is different than it was in the 90s, and as much as The X-Files played an important role in opening up the possibility of more ambitious televised storytelling, the show is still beholden to the terrible network practices of the time. Massive episode orders that seem almost comical by today’s conservative standards make The X-Files feel bloated to say the least, and for every amazing episode the show’s creative team produced over nine years of airing, there are about 1.5 bad ones. But fear not, dear reader and intrepid truth seeker: You can come to love The X-Files like the rest of us without subjecting yourself to 202 hours of mostly mediocre TV by focusing on all the best parts.

I have personally winnowed down the entire series of The X-Files into the most essential episodes. If you watch these episodes in the order listed below you will have better than passing knowledge of one of the most important television shows ever aired.

(Note: There are two types of X-Files episode: mythology and monster of the week. I have marked the mythology episodes with an * to distinguish them from the rest, as in a few cases, particularly near the end of the series, their essential status is solely based on their importance to the overall story.)

The first season of The X-Files is a great cultural relic as a whole, but for the most part its 25 episodes range from ironically amusing to vaguely racist and sexist. Still, it can’t be denied that season one has its fair share of legitimate scares and compelling conspiracies. Most of the episodes that made this list are foundational to the show’s mythology, but “Ice” in particular is a perfect example of how even from the beginning The X-Files could tell genuinely suspenseful stand alone episodes.
  1. Pilot *
  2. Deep Throat *
  3. Squeeze
  4. Ice
  5. Fallen Angel*
  6. E.B.E.*
  7. Tooms
  8. The Erlenmeyer Flask*

Season two of The X-Files is notable for its introduction of a number of series staples. The abduction mythology is deepened, series guest star Nicholas Lea is introduced as Alex Krycek, we learn more about the iconic Cigarette Smoking Man and Darin Morgan wrote the first of his legendary episodes (“Humbug”). Also, “The Host” might make you scared of toilets. There is nothing much else worth noting about these ten episodes other than they are excellent, iconic, and were shot around Gillian Anderson’s pregnancy.
  1. Little Green Men*
  2. The Host
  3. Sleepless*
  4. Duane Barry*
  5. Ascension*
  6. One Breath*
  7. Colony*
  8. End Game*
  9. Humbug
  10. Anasazi*

The X-Files’ third season is its best. It contains the series most wonderful episodes: “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose” and “Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space’” – the first of which guest stars Peter Boyle and the latter which is widely considered the best episode the show has to offer (and is my vote for best episode of TV, period). The season also introduces the infamous Black Oil, connects the mythology to real life history and features a young Vince Gilligan cutting his teeth in the considerably violent “Pusher.”
It is also worth pointing out that “The Blessing Way,” which guest stars Floyd Red Crow Westerman, introduces Chris Carter’s strange fetishization of Native American mysticism. It will continue to pop up throughout the series, always feeling awkward and colonial, but at least Red Crow is a great on screen presence.
  1. The Blessing Way*
  2. Paper Clip*
  3. Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose
  4. Nisei*
  5. 731*
  6. War of the Coprophages
  7. Piper Maru*
  8. Apocrypha*
  9. Pusher
  10. Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space’*
  11. Quagmire
  12. Talitha Cumi*

31.03.2015 | 13:27

Cómo será el regreso de X-Files

Después de muchos rumores y negociaciones, es oficial el regreso de los Expedientes Secretos y esto es lo que tenes que saber

1) Tanto David Duchovny como Gillian Anderson van a estar presentes. Cuando los rumores sobre el regreso de X-Files se hicieron escuchar, lo primero que se preguntó es si sus protagonistas también volvían. En ese momento se dijo que tanto Duchnovny como Anderson estaban muy ocupados con sus nuevos proyectos: él con su primer novela y ella, entre Hannibal y The Fall. Sin embargo la semana pasada se confirmó que Mulder y Scully volverían a la pantalla con sus actores originales, en la piel de los dos detectives sobrenaturales.

2) Será una mini-serie. Aunque todavía no se sabe con certeza cuál será la fecha de estreno, sí trascendió que esta nueva mini-temporada va a contar con un total de seis episodios de 45 minutos de duración. Además se dio a conocer que se conversa con sus guionistas originales para que trabajen sobre estos seis guiones. Entre ellos, hay grandes figuras del mundo de las series: Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad), James Wong (American Horror Story), Howard Gordon (24), Darin Morgan (Fringe) y Alex Gansa (Homeland).

3) Vancouver los vuelve a recibir. Vancouver es el escenario de muchísimas series de televisión (solo por nombrar algunas: Supernatural, The Killing, Arrow, Once Upon A Time, Falling Skies se filmaron allí). Pero la ciudad canadiense volverá a ver en sus calles a los Expedientes-X el próximo verano cuando inicien los rodajes.

4) Chris Carter tira sus pistas. Su creadorno deja de dar indicios sobre qué esperar de este regreso. En una charla con The Daily Beast dijo: "Va a ser honesta con los personajes y con lo que pasó con ellos en el final de la serie y la segunda película". Después agregó: "Lo veo como un corte comercial de 13 años. La buena noticia es que el mundo es un lugar aún más extraño y por eso hoy es el momento perfecto para contar estas seis nuevas historias."

Epic Babies

I love this picture.  These are the most epic babies I have ever seen.  The one in the middle will claw out your liver without a second thought.  His friend on the right is pleading with his eyes that you’ll just drop it so Baby 1 doesn’t lose it again, because he is sick of cleaning up the blood.  Baby 3 is seeing his life flash before his eyes, right before his intestines do in a Mortal Kombat-esque finishing move.

But I wondered: what IS this painting?  What is happening in the rest of it?  Does it all ooze as much drama as these little guys?

It turns out this snippet is a part of “The Intervention of the Sabine Women,” and it is every bit as action-packed.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Hen Night by Sergey Ishmaev

Frank Frazetta by Ferdinand Kreozot

El 25 de octubre de 1854 se produjo la Batalla de Balaclava para tomar el pequeño puerto de Balaclava, que serviría para abastecer a las tropas durante el asedio de Sebastopol. En ella se produjo de la famosa Carga de la Brigada de Caballería Ligera. La carga de la caballería británica, comandada por Lord Cardigan, contra una batería rusa fue un sonado desastre, y aunque se alabó la heroica acción y muerte de los caballeros, también se demostró que la gallardía de las guerras de antaño poco podía hacer contra la capacidad destructiva de las armas modernas.

Marina Marina

Marina lives in St Petersburg married to Aydemir Saidov, professional artist who also works in nude genre. The couple has an 18-years old daughter studying painting as well as her parents did.

The history of nudity in arts by Marina Marina

Have you ever given a thought to a number of ways a woman’s body could be revealed in art? A number of techniques, of vain attempts, of desperate eyes… The significance of nude genre is that its history is not based on evolution. It has always been a painter’s very private affair to find an approach to his ideas and make them real.
Having said that, the inspiration could come from different shapes and lines. One of the early creations, the oldest image of a naked woman ever found, was a statuette named Venus of Willendorf. Nowadays one will hardly consider such a complexion appealing, but if we had pushed back to 30,000 BC, we would have found out that primitives admired corpulent women. An I would be hard pressured to disagree with their opinion as full-bodied women were more likely to give a birth to a healthy child.
The subsequent centuries are concealed with mystery. Some occasional archaeological discoveries corroborate that women statuettes remained a fertile symbols for quite a long time.
Let’s go on to the other page of the history of the mankind, a Golden Age of arts of all kinds – the Ancient Greece. It is impossible not to get swept up in the amazement while wandering around the museum halls and art galleries devoted to masterpieces of that period. And it is beyond my understanding how it is possible to underestimate artworks of Ancient Greece – these incredible sculptures of Aphrodite express enigmatic thoughts from the deepest corners of our spirits.
However, some skeptical people claim that Ancient art is not something that is worth seeing. I wish to illustrate it with a funny example – a lithograph made by Daumier in 1864, depicting annoyed women scuttling away out of the gallery. The name of this unique composition explains everything: ‘This year Venuses again... always Venuses!.. as if there really were women built like that!’ But I personally am convinced that art is for inspiration and amazement, not for envy.
I hope I will be excused if we miss the art of the Middle Ages and reach for the Renaissance as it gave the second birth to all branches of art and revealed naked body one more time. This is the age of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian… 15th Century, in addition to rediscovery of nudity, brought interest to anatomy. It gave possibility to broaden horizons in many aspects of life – and art too.
I suppose Renaissance has also established some traditions of painting. It is, for instance, the worship of tender beauty. Elements of it could still be noticed even in pictures of modern artists.
The time was going by, priorities were changing. Since that time lots of new movements have appeared. And one of the greatest is impressionism. Foe example, pictures by Pierre-Auguste Renoir could be called outstanding although my vision of beauty and art in general is different. However, every girl is beautiful, isn’t she?
Have you noticed that we had not encountered any female artist’s name? Men were primary expected to create masterpieces of art. Today the situation is different. Marina Marina could be an example. I am not led by love passion unlike some male representatives of artists. I am fascinated by beauty of the girls I depict.
Nowadays art is not basically a way of getting information about the world. That is why each artist is absolutely free to depict whatever he wants. Each one is always in pursuit of inspiration.
I am pretty sure nudity in pictures make your spirit open too. Marina Marina’s pictures may confirm this. And I guess every painter within the history of mankind did the same. Art is a self-expression!

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

Aydemir Saidov

Aydemir Saidov es un pintor nacido en Rusia, 29 de marzo 1979 en el Territorio de Krasnodar: Es miembro de la Unión de Artistas de Rusia. En 2000, se graduó de Aydemir Krasnodar Art College, y en 2006 el St. Petersburgo Instituto Académico Estatal de Pintura, Escultura y Arquitectura nombre de Ilya Repin (Academia de Artes) Actualmente vive y trabaja en San Petersburgo.

Howard Rogers

Jaime Zapata

Nació en Quito, Ecuador, en 1957. Estudió Artes en el Colegio de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Central de Quito. Participó en los talleres de Miguel Gayo (Perú), Thomas Daskam (Chile) y Carmen Silva (Ecuador). En 1984 se trasladó a París, ciudad donde vive desde entonces, para trabajar en el Centro Cultural de Galerie de Nesle. En 1998 creó el Espacio Taller Jaime Zapata en Quito.

Su obra se desarrolla en el terreno de la pintura figurativa. Ha experimentado con la aplicación de distintas técnicas de representación para crear escenas de mundos mágicos, visualmente coherentes, pero de atmósferas perturbadoramente fantásticas. De esta manera, elabora contenidos de la memoria biográfica, histórica y del arte occidental.

Entre sus numerosas exposiciones individuales y colectivas figuran las realizadas en: Galería Nesle, París (1987); Salón de Anticuarios y Arte Contemporáneo, Rouen (1992); III Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador (1991); FIART, Bogotá (1992); Latin American Art Show, Bolívar Hall, Londres (1993); Talbot Rice Gallery, Edimburgh University, Edimburgo (1994); Galería Taller J.Manzano, Collioure (1998), y Galería M.S., Quito (2000). En 1983 obtuvo el Premio Cristóbal Colón, Madrid.

HongNian Zhang